
IBE® Masters

Pursuing excellence in continued education

IBE® Masters

Pursuing excellence in continued education

Join the IBE® Masters Program

Enrollment is open to all certified IBE® stylists!
The IBE® Masters course is an in depth training program that will take your business behind the chair to new heights. Masters is composed of 4 courses: Business, Technique, Color and Cutting Foundations. Every course has a Lead that will be your personal accountability partner throughout the course. Whether it’s a refresh or total transformation, if you have been a stylist for 3 years or 30 years, the Masters program was made for any stylist who is eager to learn more.

You can enroll in up to 2 courses per session with the exception of Technique due to the level of work required.

All Masters videos and Mastermind trainings are posted in the IBE® Stylist App for your continued viewing. There will be 2 checkpoint assignments during each session and 1 final project that you must complete to receive your certificate of completion.


Masters Courses


Alumni Classes

Once you have completed a Master session, you have the opportunity to come back at any time and take NEW classes!

We created 24 NEW courses for the Masters program and, as an alumni, you have access to them as well. Purchase a la carte or the entire course here!

We can’t wait to see your business and skillset soar with our most recent courses!

Masters Program Success Stories


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I register for Masters if I am not yet certified?

No, you must be completely certified to join the Masters program.

I enrolled in Masters, now what?

Upon enrollment, you will be added to a private class forum in our IBE® Stylists app. For your very first course, you will receive a Masters kit. It will be mailed out 2 weeks before classes start. Check the app for details and updates.

What is required for Masters Business, Color and Cutting Foundations:

You will be required to view the 6 virtual classes and 6 LIVE Masterminds.  If you cannot make the live mastermind, you will be required to watch the replay. There will be accountability for each course based on the topic. You will not receive your Masters certificate unless you have completed all required homework and submissions for each class.

What is required for Masters Technique:

You will be required to view the 6 virtual classes and 6 LIVE Masterminds.  If you cannot make the live zoom, you will be required to watch the replay. There will be accountability for each course based on the topic. You will not receive your masters certificate unless you have completed all required homework and submissions for each class. Additionally:

  • You must be willing and able to complete the program within one year. This would require a minimum of 10 clients. If you have less than 10 clients or have a big reduction in clientele for unforeseen circumstances, please communicate with your technique mentor and we will adjust your timeline. 
  • Communication needs to be active. We strongly suggest communication is happening at least bi weekly with your technique mentor and practicing on mannequins if there are no clients. If there is a break in communication for a period of over 8 weeks, you will be considered inactive and will lose access to your mentor and the Masters technique videos. You will need to reach out to support@invisiblebeadextensions.com to regain access and recommit to completion with your technique mentor. 
  • Communication for leaves of absence is required. You will need to let your technique mentor know via WhatsApp if you plan on taking an 8 week or more break. Leaves of absence can be, but not limited to, maternity leaves, relocation, medical leave, etc. 
  • Re-enrollment fee: If you have not regularly been in communication with your technique mentor for 6 months or more, you will need to reach out to support@invisiblebeadextensions.com to recommit to completing the course and get your account reactivated for a fee of $1000. 
How often are Masters sessions held?

Our Masters sessions are held in January, May and August.

What is the refund policy for Master Classes?

There are no refunds for Masters. If needed, we will make a one time exception to withdraw from a course and you’ll receive a credit to your account for a future online or in person class. Please note, one month prior to classes starting, no changes allowed.